For anyone considering building work to improve their home, it’s easy to forget the possibility of adding a bathroom.
Yet, anyone living with more than one person in the household will instantly appreciate the benefits of having at least one extra bathroom. Goodbye morning stress, as everyone tries to take their turn and get out the door. Goodbye evening fights as everyone wants a bath at the same time.
We can quickly appreciate the benefits of having an extra bathroom, but does an extra bathroom increase property value?
Added value versus cost
In 2019 the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) found 34% of people spending money on home improvements spent money on the bathroom.
There is no question having an extra bathroom adds value to a property. However, to know if the venture is worth your while you should also consider the cost.
Obviously, across the UK the cost vs added value will vary.
Depending on where you live, and where you want to add your extra bathroom in the house (will any building work, extension be required) the cost may range from £2,500 to £6,000. If you’ll need to also add an extension, or convert a loft space/ basement space the price will increase.
Once completed, on average, an extra bathroom can add 5% of the value to your property.
Any bathroom will do?
You might think that if a bathroom adds value, then it’s as simple as that. Add a bathroom and reap the extra value from your property. However, some bathrooms can remove value. Direct Loan Insurance conducted research and found that properties featuring the main bathroom downstairs are less desirable to buyers and knock considerable sums off the value. If you live in London, Direct Loan found 57% of adults would be put off a property with the main bathroom downstairs.
If your main bathroom is downstairs consider moving it upstairs or adding another main bathroom upstairs.
What’s the right kind of bathroom to add?

If you can have one bathroom per bedroom, then this will give your property a significant edge over other properties without those extra bathrooms.
Of course, this isn’t realistic for everyone. Due to space constraints or pricing constraints.
The bathrooms should be in keeping and at scale with your property. A small two-bedroom terrace with two gigantic bathrooms isn’t appropriate.

Bathrooms don’t have to be en-suite. Nevertheless, at the higher end of the property market, en-suite bathrooms are viewed as a matter of course. Adding an en-suite to one of your bedrooms can add a sense of luxury and high-end feel to your home – even if it’s a starter or mid-end property.
Designing up a storm

When decorating your new bathroom, resist the temptation to make the bathroom too much of a statement. To keep your property desirable and appealing to a greater number of people keep the design clean, fresh and neutral. Any buyers can then add their personality and tastes with accessories.
A bathroom is much more than a functional space to get clean, nowadays people are more invested in their lifestyle and see the space as a place to give themselves some self-love.
Make sure any bathroom you add creates a comfortable and welcoming space which future residents can relax in. Choose warm lighting and well-designed bathroom fittings.
Bath vs shower

A bathroom with a bath is a must in the property, as a place to pamper oneself. However, if your bathroom already has a bath, and you’re tight for space a shower is still perfectly acceptable in an extra bathroom. You can make product choices so the shower experience can be comfortable, even luxurious as well.
The verdict
If you’re thinking about spending money on your home to improve your lifestyle and add value then an extra bathroom makes a good candidate for your spend.
If you are unsure how best to approach this or would like advice on a new bathroom then get in contact with one of our expert bathroom designers.